This film is entitled ‘Zombeavers.’ Think about that for a moment. Cute little woodland animals turned into bloodthirsty undead beasts (who then go on to plague the living hell out of three scantily-clad young maidens). If you think that sounds like possibly the worst idea since sharks caught in a tornado then it’s best you never ever think of watching this film. If, however, you can lower your mind significantly to appreciate it, you may just get something out of it.

This film is daft and, most importantly, it knows it is. It never tries to be serious and never tries to be anything but what it is – daft, silly fun. Although, saying that, it's the zombie beavers that are the UNserious part of the film. They're so (deliberately, surely?) badly animated and obviously puppets that you can't possibly be scared of them. Yet all the (human) cast play it totally straight and never crack a gag or anything throughout the whole run-time.
It has no budget. The special effects are anything but special. It has no big name actors. Those who have turned up are largely there for their good looks. And the dialogue isn’t great at the best of times. And yet, with all these down-points, I still can’t bring myself to hate it.
So, if you’ve had a long day and want to relax in front of a film where you can totally put your brain ‘on hold’ for an hour and half, then this is the one for you. If you think you’re going to be in for a story filled with excellent character development and broad story arcs the you may need to skip this one. Plus it has an amusing cameo from comedian Bill Burr - what more could you possibly want?
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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