I'm a casual fan of Tom Cruise, so I just watched this regardless. I didn't know much about the book, so I can't comment on how accurate it is to its source material. All I remember hearing was that the titular character was much taller in the book, therefore an actor of Tom's - ahem - 'stature' wasn't the best fit to play the giant of a man. I thought it would be more action-packed - like a kind of vigilante going round seeking revenge on your general baddies. As it turned out, it's more like a cop movie (but without a cop as the lead character). What action there is is all right, plus the acting is fair and it is not hard to see that money has been put into this movie.

From then on, the film follows a typical template for this kind of movie. It's played absolutely straight (a bit like the `Bourne' films, but without the near-constant chase scenes all the way through) and it doesn't really add anything original to the genre of action/thriller movies.
If you're looking for a bit of a conspiracy thriller with a plot that slowly unravels, this isn't a bad way to spend a couple of hours (plus it's nice to see Tom Cruise and Robert Duvall sharing the screen again since 'Days of Thunder'). If you can believe that every single female in America who meets Tom Cruise wants to bed him, whether she's twice his age of half his age, then you should find this enjoyable. It's been a week since I watched 'Jack Reacher' for the second time and I actually can't remember anything about it (besides what I've written above) - I think that tells me everything I need to know, i.e. that it's an enjoyable enough romp while you're watching it, but it's hardly likely to leave a long, lasting impression.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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