Okay, so I'm not Adam Sadler's biggest fan. His films are hit and miss in my opinion, but I'm always willing to give them a go (I did recently enjoy Funny People). However, this is one time when I should have researched a film before I watched it. If you look at the online reviews you'll see what I mean.

Adam Sadler plays two roles - twins Jack and his `identical' sister Jill. Jill comes to stay with his family and `hilarity' results. Unfortunately, Jill is the most annoying character ever to grace cinema screens. I know what you're thinking - you're thinking that you've seen the Phantom Menace and that no one can top Jar Jar Binks. Wrong! Seriously, it's like Jar Jar has had a baby with Ruby Rhod from the Fifth Element and produced Jill. All she does is shriek on and on, in between generally being rude and stupid and insensitive towards anyone who is unlucky enough to get near her.
Now, I have nothing against annoying characters in films. If a character is annoying then that's part of who they are. My problem with Jack and Jill is how other characters deal with them. If we meet someone annoying, we stay well clear. However, in this film everyone extends her too much courtesy to make it believable. Yes, I know she's family, but even so, you wouldn't let her anywhere near you if you know what she's like. Yet, everyone makes massive allowances for her, even berating her long-suffering twin brother Jack (who is pretty unlikeable in himself) for not being nicer to her.
In short, there is not a rating low enough to describe this rubbish. Do not watch it, it's truly that bad. The only thing vaguely interesting about it is how they persuaded Al Pacino to appear in it. Does he really need the money that badly?
1/10 This might as well have been written, directed and produced by Uwe Boll
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