The latest `horror bad guy' to grace our screens is a car - a car that kills people. Um, and that's about it. I could leave the review there. If you can deal with that concept you may just like the film.

It has all the horror clichés you've seen in all the other horror films out there. It's pretty daft and the acting is questionable - certainly in the first third (I was contemplating whether it was actually a foreign film and had been dubbed, but you get used to it as it goes on). You have the sensible woman, the daft plank who wants to catch a monster car instead of leaving, cell phones that don't work and an ensemble of unlikeable characters who you won't miss when they start to attack a large metal beast with a bit of wood (or something equally questionable).
If you've seen a film where a beastie stalks a load of slightly inept people, you've basically seen this. If you fancy seeing idiots stalked by a car that sees the world as if it was a Predator alien, give it a try. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to buy a bike.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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