Wednesday, 20 November 2024

Fright Night (1985) - Maybe I just didn't get it?

Having just finished watching 1985's 'Fright Night' for the third time, I find myself already to struggling to recall much of what happened in it.  I know most people who love both the horror/vampire genre and also 80s horror films in general hold it up as an iconic classic, but I just don't see it.

The whole story of a boy trying to prove his next door neighbour is a vampire feels too slow to sustain its premise.  That said, credit where it's due: the practical effects are a standout. The film's creature designs, transformation sequences and slime-filled monsters showcase the pinnacle of 80s horror.  These visuals remain genuinely impressive and add a touch of magic to an otherwise shallow character ensemble.  

All the cast all seem to try and 'ham it up' and yet the dialogue isn't really that funny or well-written.  While I do see why many hold it close, 'Fright Night' ultimately doesn’t sink its fangs deep enough to earn my full devotion. Still, its artistry ensures it’ll remain a conversation piece for horror fans everywhere.  Or maybe just watch it to see - what could be - the oldest-looking sixteen year old ever (the main character's best friend!) - he looks like a mutated Kevin Bacon's grandfather.


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