Sunday, 24 September 2023

Demon Island (aka 'Survival Island') 2002 - Does this really happen?

'Demon/Survival Island' is about an evil pinata coming to life and killing a load of people.  And, believe it or not, I can accept that as a movie premise (especially for a horror film).  However, what I found difficult to believe is that people actually exist like this, i.e. teenagers so stupid and also all taken to an island to play a game involving hunting underwear while drunkenly handcuffed together.  I guess I missed this part of growing up all those years ago.

Either way, half of them end up being murdered by a pinata.  Only it doesn't look like any pinata I've ever seen (okay, I haven't seen that many, but I've seen them a lot in films).  It's a life-size rubber demon with red eyes.  If one such entity came running towards me with murderous intentions, I doubt I'd point at it and say, 'Oh, look at that scary pinata!' (but then I wouldn't be stoned while plucking thongs from hard to reach branches).  Anyway, it kills a lot of people.  

Now, I like a good 'bad movie' where you get enjoyment out of just how stupid it really is.  Sadly, this one is just 'bad-bad' and not worth your time.  If the film-makers had leaned into just how dumb it is then it might have been fun, but they play it straight.  And they don't have the budget to really do anything memorable.  The monster is just a man in a rubber suit.  They try and make it scary by doing some form of 'Predator vision' where we see things from the creature's point of view, but it doesn't really work.  Although that's a masterpiece of film-making techniques when compared to what the monster does to 'chase' people.  The film goes all blurry and slightly slow motion and - somehow - it manages to catch up to its victims who are riding quad bikes.

There are a few familiar faces in the film, but don't let that fool you into thinking it's actually any good.  Rumour has it even the actors hated it.  There's minimal gore, bad effects, no nudity and nothing you haven't seen before - and a damn site better!

3/10 Jabba the Hutt wipes himself down with this film

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