Gor (1987) Probably not one a shining example of 'gender equality'
A boring American college profession who bores his students to sleep in class gets dumped by his girlfriend because he's too dull, so he goes on holiday with just his magic ring for company. And, after wrapping his car around a tree, wakes up in the land of 'Gor' - a 'sword and sorcery' land which treats women as little better than slaves - and possibly members of the 'oldest profession.'
As soon as our boring hero arrives he watches a helpless village get their magic red stone nicked by a load of baddies seem to be well into rock-collecting and he vows to get involved. Or at least he's persuaded once he falls in love with the first hot woman he sees who kicks a$$ with a barbarian's sword like the best of them.
One quick montage later and our formerly boring protagonist is now a skilled warrior with swords and bows and arrows, plus he had a six-pack all the time and we never knew. Fancy that. So, now he's totally ready to take back the glowing pink blob of jelly that the villages always refer to as their 'magic rock.'
So off they walk. And they walk. They walk quite far. It takes me back to those people who didn't really like Peter Jackson's 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy and accused it of just people walking across pretty landscapes. Well, Gor isn't like that here. The characters walk and walk, but the backgrounds could never be described as 'pretty.' It's a desert. Followed by more desert.
In fact, it's this middle act that really lets the film down. 'Gor' is definitely a B-movie and never really tries to be anything more amazing. And there are plenty of good looking men and women running around in skimpy clothes, chopping each other up with swords. This is when the film excels as it knows what it should be. But for every action sequency we get another five minute segment of our heroes trying to get in to an enemy cave (slowly) and padding out the run-time.
If you like you 'swords and sandals' movies then this one is so bad it's definitely good. You just may want to have your thumb on the 'fast forward' button on the TV remote control when it comes to some of the walking. If only they just had eagles to fly them where they needed to go and back?
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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