Death Spa (1989) - If you go down to the spa today...'ll sure be in for a surprise! Because, even though it's only 1989, an L.A. gym is completely automated with futuristic technology and therefore making plenty of money in the process. So, it's a shame when an unfortunate and gruesome set of fatal - in some cases - accidents befall the establishment just before it's big customer drive.
The owner doesn't know what to do? Is it his dodgy brother in law who installed the computer system, someone trying to cause trouble in order to buy the property on the cheap, or something a little more supernatural?
With the grey and pink striped backdrop of eighties decor, one by one the clientele is bumped off one by one - and it's actually pretty good fun. Certainly the first half has not just a lot of good moments, i.e. gore and mysteries, with even a few 'red herrings' thrown in there just to throw you off the scent, but also it's quite well directed and everyone is trying really hard.
However, it sort of gets lost in itself during the second half. Perhaps it tries to tie together too many different ideas and sub-plots, but hasn't the time to do them all justice. A lot of stuff happens in the final act, but, by this time, it feels like it's just a load of weird random happenings thrown together to try and get as many scares in as possible.
If you're watched the original 'Dawn of the Dead,' you may know horror legend Ken Foree. He's about the most recognisable actor in this and - like so often in the B-movies he pops up in - steals every scene. Sadly, he's not in it as much as I thought he should be. The rest of the cast do their best with what they've got and do okay.
Overall, if you like eighties cheesy horror films, you should enjoy this. Be gentle and not too harsh. It loses its way, but it's still a lot of daft fun in spandex.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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