Black Sheep – Nice idea, just about gets a ‘pass’
I’ve watched ‘Black Sheep’ twice now and, although I didn’t begrudge it a second viewing, it did leave me with the feeling I had the first time round – namely that it was a fun little horror/comedy, but probably would have worked better if it was shorter.
The basic premise is - in dare I say typically cliched stereotypes - New Zealand sheep turn into zombies (or rather zombie-sheep, to be fair), complete with bites that, if bitten YOU also turn into a zombie-sheep. The reason the sheep take on this murderous trait is pretty wafer-thin, you don't really need to know it.

The actors all play their parts well. I've never seen any of them before in anything, leaving me to believe that they're probably more well-known for their TV work. All do their job in terms of who's good and who's bad etc. Also, there's nothing new in terms of story. If you've seen one zombie movie then you'll know the structure this movie takes and nothing much will come as a surprise.
However, what brings this film to life - and is its main saving grace, are the special effects. I'm not sure what percentage were practical, compared to how much was done with computers, but I'm guessing the film-makers had fun with more practical gore rather than do everything in post production. There's some great monster transformations and delightfully over the top brutal deaths.
I like the film, but it's certainly not one I'd watch often. I just feel like all the best (i.e. gory and funniest) scenes are those with the sheep going crazy and mutating and killing people. These come every so often, so the film does have a fair few perks. I can't help but think that the idea is better that - what is effectively - a full length feature film. The idea would have probably been a little tighter if it was used for a 30-45 minute story, rather than trying to drag out for ninety minutes. Still worth a watch if you like daft, gory, over-the-top comedy-horror films though.
6/10 Should probably keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights
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