Tuesday, 18 June 2019

It Comes at Night - No, it doesn't

I watched 'It Comes at Night' all the way to the end.  I probably shouldn't.  It became clear by about the halfway mark that I was probably not going to like it, but, by then, I just wanted to see where it went - if anywhere.  And it didn't.

The world's population has been wiped out.  Nothing new there in terms of modern horror films.  And it was because of a disease.  We know this because the cast talks of 'infection' and wears gas masks when they go outside.  If you're wondering as to the hows and the whys of this apocalyptic event then don't bother - it's never explained.  But then that's probably the least of of this film's sins.

I saw the 'screengrab' advertising this film on a popular online streaming website and - to me - it looked like some sort of monster.  I therefore thought that the hideous deformed humanoid, combined with the creepy title indicating that some sort of threat arrived after dark, meant that I'd be in for some sort of gory and cheesy monster-munching movie.  How wrong I was.  I think if ever there was an award for 'misleading titles' then it should go to this film.  In short (and I hope this doesn't count as a 'spoiler') nothing comes at night.  It's about a virus.

A family have holed up in a secluded house in the woods where they do their best to cut themselves off from the rest of society to avoid contamination.  However, a man arrives and pleads with them to let him and his family stay.  It kind of all goes down hill from there.  Although, in the slowest way possible.

I said I stuck with it until the end, just because I was hoping for some sort of answers.  But nothing came.  What you have here is a slow burner which, by the minute, makes you more and more desperate for some sort of big 'payoff' for all the time you've invested.  And it never comes.  It just ends.  And I'm glad it did.  Avoid.

3/10 Jabba the Hutt wipes himself down with this film

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