Okay, so I’ve pretty much seen and enjoyed most zombie films – everything from George A Romero’s offerings to the general silly B-movies featuring shuffling corpses eating people’s brains. So I was always going to put ‘Zombieland’ on my ‘to watch’ list. As soon as I heard it pretty much had A-list actors in it and a theatrical release, I was definitely looking forward to it. Plus it’s worth noting that most people who saw it loved it.

Granted, I didn’t hate it. It kind of left little impression on me – neither good nor bad. Yeah, there were some humorous moments where I giggled, but, generally, I found it a bit forgettable. As the title would suggest, the world has been overrun by the living dead and there are few humans left, desperately trying to survive. Jessie Eisenberg is our ‘hero’ who talks us through the ‘rules’ of how to live in a world where most of the population is trying to eat you. His voiceover is pretty funny, but after the first act it kind of drops off when he meets his ‘love interest’ and they head to a theme park.
I think the biggest flaw in it comes near the end. I’m not sure I can mention it as it probably constitutes a ‘spoiler,’ but it’s generally to do with a weird (and rather stupid) decision made by the two girls which totally goes against anything a sane person would do in a world infested by zombies.
For some reason I just couldn’t really get over that and no matter how good the rest of the film was, that one moment of madness (involving doing something that literally drew the attention of every flesh-eater in Los Angeles to them).
After a second viewing I do like it a little more. It’s not a bad film. It has gore. It has laughs and it has a good celebrity cameo from Bill Murray. I just wish they’d changed that one (theme park-related) aspect towards the end. It really bugs me.
6/10 Should probably keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights
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