Do you like fast cars and action? Then you should like this. But wait... it’s a remake, therefore it must be dreadful, right? Actually, in this case, I don’t know. I’ve never watched the original, but I understand it – like so many remakes – has its army of online defenders saying how this incarnation of the film doesn’t compare to its source material. However, I like action. I like Jason Statham and, if I’m in the mood for some loud, dumb fun then I will certainly let this entertain me for an hour and a half.

Now, if you’re into your films, you may vaguely be aware of its direction, Paul W S Anderson, and the various film franchises he presides over, mainly ‘Resident Evil,’ but he got his hands on ‘Aliens vs Predator,’ too. A lot of people say he can’t write a good film. Actually, I may agree on that one, but I’ve always thought he was certainly a talented director who could handle decent action scenes. And, in a film about racing with machine guns, you’re going to want the action to be good. And it is.
There are a few other cast members the Stath interacts with. Most of them you won’t remember, but Ian McShane does his best with what he’s give to provide that ‘Morgan Freeman-like’ mentor figure to our bald, grumpy hero. Plus you have ‘Generic Love Interest #657 and Jason Clarke (pre John Connor) as ‘Evil Prison Guard #831’ and, of course, the warden. Here, the warden is a woman... or simply ‘Generic Evil Corporate B*tch #738? The supporting cast are all pretty much by the numbers and you won’t remember their performances, let along their on-screen names.
This is a Stath movie. If you like him, or action (specially racing), plus you’ve binge-watched the entire ‘Fast and the Furious’ franchise, then you should enjoy this. Put your brain on hold and just have fun.
8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one
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