Once upon a time the name ‘John Carpenter’ was synonymous with classic action/horror films in the seventies and eighties. Now, you barely hear from him – largely because his name has become equally linked with mundane and wasted opportunities when it comes to his output. It’s worth noting that 1998’s (unsubtly-titled) ‘Vampires’ was his last commercially-successful film. Personally, I liked a few of his later films, too, but this one does stand out as the last – largely accepted – decent film. In case you’re stumped as to what this film is about, it’s about those insidious bloodsuckers – vampires – long before they twinkled in sunlight and stared moodily at the human love of their life (Okay, so there is actually a bit of human/vampire luuuv thrown in there for good measure, but, don’t worry, it’s nothing like ‘Twilight!’).

James Woods is at his grumpy best. Don’t expect a light-handed touch when dealing with everyone from the local priest to the highest vampire in the land. He’s basically an anti-hero who doesn’t let much stand in his way between him and his slaying activities. Woods star alongside Sheryl Lee (best known for dying a lot in TV’s ‘Twin Peaks’ and, as I said, some Baldwin or other, plus your typical tall, pale dude with long black hair for them to battle. But, it’s Woods all the way. Technically, there’s nothing special about this film and nothing that you haven’t seen before in any other vampire-related movie. However, if you like your horror gritty, realistic and not pulling any punches then you should get something out of this (either that or you’re just a fan of James Woods, then this should be at the top of your ‘to see’ list!).
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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