It’s been a week since I watched the 1978 horror film ‘Piranha’ and, as I sit down to type, I’m struggling to remember what it was about. Yes, there are killer fish. And they ate people – that much I’m sure. However, besides those two most basic of plot points, I can’t seem to think of much else.
But I did like it – while I watched it anyway. In fact, I think it was the second time I’ve seen it, but then it might have got a bit blurred with the more recent remake. Anyway, from the little that is still with me…

Character have sex... and then die – check. Evil military – check. Dastardly British villain – check. Beautiful heroine who never succumbs to nudity – check. Official who won’t believe what’s really happening and puts money before public safety – check. And so on.
Then there’s the gore. You may be expecting a film about swarms of killer fish to be loaded with the red stuff. Well, it is. The water turns red on many an occasion. However, that doesn’t really mean you see anything. Maybe due to budget limitations, ‘red water’ serves as a way of showing hideous death without ever really showing much of what’s really happening.
So, all in all, ‘Piranha’ is pretty underwhelming. And yet I felt quite satisfied while watching it. If you’re looking for a cheap ‘Jaws’ knock-off and don’t mind seventies low-budget horror which is there simply to fill an hour and a half in your life, well, here it is. Enjoy. And then forget. In fact, I think I’ve now completely forgotten which movie I was talking about to begin with! At least the fish don’t have wings... you’ll have to check out the sequel for that little nugget of gold.
6/10 Should probably keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights
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