Friday, 13 June 2014

This is what happens when you overthrow an Empire that works

Is it any coincidence that as soon as the Rebels took charge of the galaxy far, far away, did Health and Safety violations soar?  The Imperial Empire ruled unopposed for decades without even a Stormtrooper getting a splinter in his thumb.  However, since Princess Leia’s administration elected itself in charge of the Senate we’ve seen Jawas tripping over their own cloaks, Wookies getting their fur caught up in heavy machinery and now this – Han Solo getting his ankle crushed by his own starship.

Needs a Risk Assessment form before blasting to hyperspace

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Robots riding robots

Ooh, Den of Geek has the new Transformers trailer up.  I guess humanity didn't take too kindly to a bunch of giant robots trashing one of their major cities.  They're only gone and branded all Transformers 'enemies of Earth' (or something like that) and they're hunting Autobots and Decepticons alike (like they could actually kill one on their own).

Anyway, Optimus has to get Grimlock to help out.  That's not a spoiler - you see it in the trailer.  Maybe having huge metal dinosaurs roaming the Earth again will get rid of some of those evil British people we see plotting the Autobots' demise in the clip.


(not an actual scene from the trailer, but if you can't be bothered to watch the film - it's a bit like the above)

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Is it a bird? Is it a plane?

No, it’s an exhaust pipe and some tires.  Up and down the land, staff at Kwik Fit are suitably impressed.
Zack Snyder has revealed the ‘first look’ at the Batmobile from the upcoming Superman vs Ben Affleck film.
Many would have preferred a picture of the ‘Man of Steel’ ripping Ben Affleck’s head off and saying something like, ‘Now bring me the REAL Dark Knight,’ but, for the time being, we’ve got the tires and exhaust pipe shot. 
And it’s in black and white.  That means ‘take it seriously,’ okay?

Friday, 11 April 2014

Movie of the moment: Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues

The legend probably shouldn’t continue much longer

Most people who can appreciate the daft and the silly enjoyed the original Anchorman.  Even though it embodied everything that was daft and silly, it also contained a certain level of satire and believability.

Anchorman 2 picks up a few years after the first instalment.  Fictional newscaster, Ron Burgundy, has now married his co-anchor, but we join them when they’re basically splitting up.  This automatically resets the whole film and any progression that the characters made in the first film have to be gone through all over again.
Also, as with many comedies which were more successful that predicted, the sequel tries to crank things up a little too far.  As with the ‘Hangover’ franchise, what you get with Anchorman 2 is more of the same, only turned up too high to be believable.  The best way I heard someone phrase it was when they were talking about Steve Carell’s character, Brick Tamland.  In the first film he was dumb.  Just dumb and kind of lovable at the same time.  However, in part 2 he’s no longer just a bit dappy, but he’s now completely stupid.  His character has totally changed and it’s too over the top to be funny.
Another thing that doesn’t help the film is its running time.  It’s quite long – or at least longer than most comedies.  It may benefit from a bit more editing and taking out about quarter of an hour here or there.
But not everything’s bad.  I chuckled a fair few times.  It’s not a complete waste of time, but I couldn’t help but think that I’d seen quite a few of the jokes before – some even from Anchorman 1 (take the ‘newscasters’ fight’ for example).
It’ll never be the classic that the first one was and, if you haven’t seen the first instalment, I recommend you start with that and see if you like it.  If you do then give the second one a try.  It has its moments, but will probably be appreciated more by the Anchorman die-hards than the general public.

6/10 May just keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights